What VGA Played This Month - August 2020
Here in this regular feature, we’ll let you know what games we’re playing, why we’re playing them, and what goes through our minds (or doesn’t) when we do. Got a suggestion for something we should be playing? Hit us up at info@vgagallery.org.
“Besides experiencing the quiet beauty of flying around the world in Microsoft Flight Simulator, I satiated my love for the Familia in Fast & Furious: Crossroads. It’s a fantastic little game which brings to mind classic licensed titles, and has a lot of fun trying to reproduce all the traditional mechanics of a narrative action game in an environment where players can never get out of cars.”
Ride or Die
“Ghost of Tsushima - Three cheers (or lines of verse, rather) for the choose-your-own haiku mini-game! Hip. Hip hooray. It is neat.”
“I’m currently playing Fall Guys. Running through obstacle courses as robot cat or hot dog with legs is the perfect way to decompress in the hellscape that is 2020.”
“This month I revisited Vignettes, that one hip shape shifting puzzle game that we have prints for at our store. After first it was hard to navigate but once you get the hang of it, its a cool exploration game from there on out. It did get a little repetitive at some points while figuring out hidden puzzles and looking for hidden objects but it was worth it in the end. ”
Gotta love the strong saturation, stare too long and your eyes get funky. Vignettes prints are available in our shop.
“After Assassin’s Creed Syndicate absolutely humiliated me a few weeks ago by having me be knighted by my historical nemesis Queen Victoria at the end, I took that as a probably very late sign to take a few steps back from the franchise. Mostly I played Runescape with friends and watched videos about Crusader Kings III shenanigans.”
Bonus! This month’s Question Zone subject Ashlynn Barker:
“Currently, I am playing a lot of gameboy advance/color games via an emulator. The Buffy the Vampire game for the gameboy color is... AWFUL, but a treat to discover, haha. Also Rockstar Games made two gameboy color Austin Powers games... WILD.”