
Alex Domasik

For the Fall 2020 Design 500 Seminar, I wanted the project to serve as a sample portfolio existing within the VR/Unity space. I wanted viewers to be able to walk through work and view in a different light than just presented in a portfolio PDF. From my own background in design, I find that there is often an impersonal element with the completion of each piece. Before one project even ends, a new one is started, with minimal thought given to previous work. When projects are done, they’re done. I found it fitting to title my project, NEXT. 

The player enters into the scene space through a first-person controller. When the controller passes over a raised square at the entrance, the camera is shifted into a third-person view. This allows the player to control a capsule module and walk through the scene in that third-person view. The capsule is able to walk over directional orb lights, placed over the main floor,  “NEXT.” As the player walks over each light, a script triggers and the light shuts off as long as the player remains in the collider box - there are four orb lights for the player to collect. Once the player has finished, they are able to enter back into first person view by walking over the second raised square at the exit. For this project, I used two scripts. One to trigger the camera switch from first-person to third-person and an on-off switch for the lighting. 

When interacting with the greater scene as a whole, the idea of consumerism, over abundance and consumption of media are displayed in NEXT. Something needs to be created, time is spent working and then once complete, the designers just move onto new projects. An increasing demand for output diminishes a lot of work. This project contributes to my overall research and exploration into data visualization and presentation. I explored the works of Edward Tufte when working on the initial project layout sample.