Intimacy in games has been traditionally conceived by developers as a means to reward the player, as relationships can often only be developed after completing a given task.
Within this largely heteronormative lens, games frame emotional bonding and sexual intercourse as a goal to be achieved, rather than positioning relationship development as a core mechanic of the game itself. While these experiences can expand and develop the language of romantic narrative in games, it may also obscure the medium’s ability to directly engage with the mechanics of attraction and desire.
This exhibition explores the burgeoning field of interactive queer art, which gamifies the mechanics of intimate relationships and reinterprets traditional game concepts as a means to experience affection, desire, and love. While queer desire has been marginalized and pathologized in the mainstream, within LGBTQIA+ culture, a more inclusive acceptance of kink and diverse relationship structures is being articulated.
Whether in the context of long-term romance, intimacy with multiple partners, or casual sex, these artworks place the practice of acting on attraction in the hands of the player, furthering our ability to express the personal experiences of an underserved culture and drawing a wider audience into conversations about gameplay and desire.

Curated by Brice Puls
Opened January 18, 2019 through April 28, 2019

All images below are linked to the webpages of the original games. Wherever possible, we encourage you to download, play, and share the games, and to donate to the artists who made them.
empty fortress
Content Warning: Violence, Homophobia. A Russian Valentine is a micro game where the player controllers two gay men, looking to find a place to kiss in a town populated by Russian police, who will chase and attack the couple if they begin to touch, unless the player manages to be hidden from their gaze. With no win condition, the couple is forced to continue living in secret until they are inevitably captured and punished for their “Denial of Traditional Family Values.”
Ryan Rose Aceae
Content Warning: Gore, Body Horror, Suicide Ideation, Gender Dysphoria, Dissociation/Depersonalization, Insults to Intelligence, Parenthood, Death Mention. GENDERWRECKED is a post-apocalyptic genderpunk visual novel about traveling broken lands and kissing/fighting/talking to monsters in an attempt to learn the true meaning of a mysterious force called GENDER.
Free Lives
Content Warning: Sex, Nudity. Genital Jousting is a comedic local multiplayer party game about flaccid penises and wiggly anuses. The game focuses on disarming toxic masculinity, reducing the penis from its status as the dominant sexual organ. By portraying them in a lovable and laughable context, players can enjoy a game where two quivering cocks can go on a date, eat spaghetti, and fall in love.
Anna Anthropy
YOU are MEDUSA. A bunch of BOYS who think they’re HOT SHIT are invading yr temple. If you let a boy get from one of the four temple entrances to you, yr toast. HOWEVER: you’re friggin MEDUSA. One look at them and they’ll stop in their tracks.
Kenzie Stargrifter and Trix Royale
Content Warning: Sex, Nudity. Hardcoded is an open-world dating-sim, set in the lawless reaches of a cyberpunk dystopia. The player assumes the role of a thinking/ learning droid who settles into a new life with a cast of very horny characters who seek your aid into pursuing an investigation of dark and dangerous secrets. Earn money, decorate your apartment, buy clothes, collect sci-fi dildos, and work on turning friendships into romances.
Ali Krouse
KMG Tournament is a collection of local multiplayer sports games in which you win by kissing your teammates and opponents. The game reinterprets traditional sporting events, extreme athletics, and other physical indie games as means to engage in casual intimate encounters.
Pierre Corbinais
Content Warning: Sex, Nudity. NSFWare is a microgame collection of games rotoscoped over actual pornography. The game features a wide array of sexual encounters and fetishes, and asks the player to figure out how to interact and best satisfy your sexual partner(s).
Eddie Cameron
You have been sent to the ForbiddenZone to knock some sense into the depraved inhabitants. Meet/fuck/fight some friendly aliens, and try to resist their degenerate ways! queer space(?) was developed as a part of the DreamboxXx cabinet at The Dreamhouse, an underground queer performance space in New York City. The cabinet features a series of custom-made arcade games from New York LGBTQ designers.
Tale of Tales
Luxuria Superbia is a simple game of touch, pleasure and joy made for fingers on touchscreens and joysticks on computers. Luxuria Superbia is a musical journey from the sensuous to the spiritual. Exciting designs explode from your gestures as you glide through tunnels, beautiful as flowers. It’s all about the experience and the interaction.
Content Warning: Sex, Nudity, Mental Illness. queered static is a Twine game of personal reflection on trans issues, anxiety, and erotica.
Robert Yang
Radiator 2: Anniversary Edition is a collection of 3 short games that attempt to expand eroticism in games beyond a cutscene. What if sex in games was something we performed as players, instead of something we obtained? What do sex mechanics look like? How can we convey or embody intimacy in games?
Fern Goldfarb-Ramallo
Content Warning: Nudity. Raunchy Feast XXX is a first-person competitive game where players are tasked with attending a party where the player must eat as many delicious cuties as possible before the train stops running. The game’s irreverent tone, hand-drawn visuals (created from Ramallo’s project Doodle Studio 95), and casual gameplay reflect and celebrate queer culture spaces.
Kara Stone
Content Warning: Sex, Mental Illness, Suicide, Self Harm. the earth is a better person than me is a visual novel following a young woman, Delphine, who runs away from her life and into a forest. She realizes she can talk to the earth around her; she has conversations with the moon about love, dirt about death, a tree about desire. Each path unearths a different aspect of Delphine’s life as she experiences sexuality, sex, self-image, and death.
Sean Wejebe
The Longest Couch is a game where two players have to complete a series of commands on a gamepad to navigate their respective boy to the center of the couch. Once the gamepad commands are completed, the players move to a shared keyboard - as the boys on the screen get closer, so do the players. It is very romantic.

Brochure for Polymorphism