VGA Project Lab is excited to present Dreaming The Prairie from March 21 st to March 28 th , 2025
Dreaming The Prairie uses a game engine as a platform for storytelling and story-asking. Located in Illinois, Bell Bowl Prairie—an 8000 year old ecosystem—provided critical habitat for a number of rare and endangered species including the federally protected rusty patched bumblebee (Bombus affinis), and a number of rare prairie plants. A recently contested expansion of Chicago Rockford International Airport (‘owners’ of the land) destroyed a large portion of the rare and fragile dry gravel prairie.
The VR headset and game interface allow the audience to explore the beauty of the former prairie through the lens of the rusty patched bumblebee, encountering immersive aspects of the habitat along with poems and sounds, since entry to the prairie itself remains forbidden.
This project is a collaborative effort developing through multiple iterations; it could not exist without its valuable team members (three of whom continue its development with us: Mak Hepler-Gonzalez, Zoë Morgan and Joslyn Willauer).
VGA Project Lab is excited to present Dreaming The Prairie from March 21st to March 28th, 2025.
Please join us for the opening reception Friday March 21 st , 6pm-9pm.
The exhibition will be open to the public Tuesday March 25th & Friday March 28th from 5pm to 8pm,
or by appointment: 616.204.8935VGA Project Lab is located at Mana Contemporary, 2233 S Throop, Studio #843. For inquiries regarding accessibility and open hours, please contact
localStyle with poet Michael Swierz
Dreaming The Prairie Team Members
Charlotte Guan: Lead Character Artist (creature design & rigging), Phase 1 Project Manager
Mak Hepler-Gonzalez: Lead UI/UX Director, Level Designer, VFX/3D/Foliage Artist, Asset Optimization & Workflow Instructor, Concept Development
Kayla Kim: UX Designer, Quest Technician, Asset Optimization
Zoë Morgan: 3D Artist, 3D Rigger, Lead Game Rigger & Animator, Interaction Programmer, UX Designer, Lead Quest Technician, Concept Development
Brigid O’Neil: 3D Artist, 3D Rigging, Asset Optimization, Concept Development
Kayla Taylor: Assistant Producer, Lead 3D Artist, Asset Optimization, Concept Development
Joslyn Willauer: Lead Environment Artist, Foliage Artist, Level Designer, 3D Artist
localStyle with poet Michael Swierz
Marlena Novak: Producer, Creative Director, Conceptual Director, 3D Artist, Voiceover
Jay Alan Yim: Co-Producer, Sound Design, Original Score Composition, Concept Development, Entomology Advisor
Michael Swierz: Poetry
Contributing Artists:
Diana Jiang: Project Intern, 3D Artist
Jane Tao: 3D Artist
This project is partially supported by grants from the Illinois Arts Council (a state agency), the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events, Northwestern University, and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.