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Mr. Mochi wearing random clothing with a giant monster fighting soldiers behind him, from theninjacowboy.

Alex Bonson (theninjacowboy) - The Silly Adventures of Mr. Mochi

Wednesday May 3, 8pm
Part of
Comfort Film
Comfort Station
2579 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647

The first ever VGA screening of Machinima: works of animation created through the real-time graphics engines of video games. The evening will offer a series of machinima shorts that serve a dual purpose: to report on the current state of Machinima as a technique and community and also to illustrate what Machinima can report on in the world and culture at large in a way that is unique to the practice.

Featuring the work of:

This event is free and NO BYOB.

@ Comfort Station, 2578 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647